Ciencias Naturales y Aplicadas

Artículos de revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales.

Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 378
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2003-06Assessing the biomass dynamics of Andean bofedal and totora high-protein wetland grasses from NOAA/AVHRRMoreau, Sophie; Bosseno, Roland; Fa Gu, Xing; Baret, Frédéric
2018-03The socioeconomic factors that facilitate or constrain restoration management: Watershed rehabilitation and wet meadow (bofedal) restoration in the Bolivian AndesHartman, Brett; Cleveland, David
2009-09Water level fluctuations in a coastal lagoon: El Yali Ramsar wetland, ChileGaldames, Pablo; Alejandro, Dussaillant; Sun, Chi
2016-12Composición y estructura del ensamble de tenebriónidos epigeos (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) de ecosistemas continentales e insulares del desierto costero transicional de ChileAlfaro, Fermín; Pizarro Araya, Jaime; Flores, Gustavo
2017-09Status of wetlands in China: A review of extent, degradation, issues and recommendations for improvementMeng, Weiqing; He, Mengxuan; Hu, Beibei; Mo, Xunqiang; Li, Hongyuan; Liu, Baiqiao; Wang, Zhongliang
2016-10Presence of influenza viruses in backyard poultry and swine in El Yali wetland, ChileBravo Vásquez, Nicolás; Di Pillo, Francisca; Lazo, A.; Jiménez Bluhm, Pedro; Schultz Cherry, Stacey; Hamilton West, Christopher
2014-06Exploring the relationship between peatland net carbon balance and apparent carbon accumulation rate at century to millennial time scalesFrolking, Steve; Talbot, Julie; Subin, Zack
2012-09Wetland chronosequence as a model of peatland development: Vegetation succession, peat and carbon accumulationTuittila, Eeva-Stiina; Juutinen, Sari; Frolking, Steve; Väliranta, Minna; Laine, Anna; Miettinen, Antti; Seväkivi, Marja-Liisa; Quillet, Anne; Merilä, Päivi
2013-11SWAMP: An agent-based model for wetland and waterfowl conservation managementMiller, Matt; Ringelman, Kevin; Schank, Jeffrey; Eadie, John
2002-07Investigation of subsurface flow constructed wetland designsCothren, Gianna; Chen, Shulin; Pardue, John
1983-02Cost-benefit analysis of wetland drainageBowers, John
2004-03Artificial drainage of peatlands: Hydrological and hydrochemical process and wetland restorationHolden, Joseph; Chapman, Pippa; Labadz, Jillian
2015-05Planktonic eukaryote molecular diversity: discrimination of minerotrophic and ombrotrophic peatland pools in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)Lara, Enrique; Seppey, Christophe; González Garraza, Gabriela; Singer, David; Quiroga, María Victoria; Mataloni, Gabriela
2018-06The activity of nitrifying microorganisms in a high-altitude Andean wetlandMolina, Verónica; Dorador, Cristina; Fernández, Camila; Bristow, Laura; Eissler, Yoanna; Hengst, Martha; Hernández, Klaudia; Mork Olsen, Lasse; Harrod, Chris; Marchant, Francisca
2009-01Wet and wonderful: The world's largest wetlands are conservation prioritiesKeddy, Paul; Fraser, Lauchlan; Solomeshch, Ayzik; Junk, Wolfgang; Campbell, Daniel; Arroyo, Mary; Alho, Cleber
2016-06Decreasing but still significant facilitation effect of cold-season macrophytes on wetlands purification function during cold winterZou, Xiangxu; Zhang, Hui; Zuo, Jie; Wang, Penghe; Zhao, Dehua; An, Shuqing
2017-04Multi-scale comparison of the fine particle removal capacity of urban forests and wetlandsZhang, Zhenming; Liu, Jiakai; Wu, Yanan; Yan, Guoxin; Zhu, Lijuan; Yu, Xinxiao
2018-02Effects of water flow on submerged macrophyte-biofilm systems in constructed wetlandsHan, Bing; Zhang, Songhe; Wang, Peifang; Wang, Chao
2017-11Stromatolites on the rise in peat-bound karstic wetlandsProemse, Bernadette; Eberhard, Rolan; Sharples, Chris; Bowman, John; Richards, Karen; Comfort, Michael; Barmuta, Leon
2017-11Oxygen drives benthic-pelagic decomposition pathways in shallow wetlandsVan Der Lee, Gea; Kraak, Michiel; Verdonschot, Ralf; Vonk, Arie; Verdonschot, Piet
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 378